More spaces for men to lead with their hearts.

“Insecurity is not a weakness; insecurity is a response that can be changed over time. We do not need to try so hard change hurts; we need to try so hard change works.” -NS

Men deserve to be seen, heard, witnessed, and protected too. They also need to be loved. Masculinity needs a place in our communities, homes, and everyday lives. Working with men in groups and individually can be vulnerable. This is an invitation for all men to step outside of their comfort zone and acknowledge that growth exists in removing comfortability. My intention is to bridge the distance between men’s heads and their hearts so they move through the world with greater awareness.

Therapy holds significant importance for men as it offers a vital platform for addressing their mental health needs. Traditionally, societal expectations often dictate that men should remain stoic and suppress emotions, which can lead to internal struggles and mental health issues. Therapy provides a supportive environment where men can safely express their emotions, confront challenges, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

When men improve their communication skills, they can foster more meaningful connections in personal and professional relationships. By learning to express themselves authentically, men can navigate conflicts more effectively and cultivate deeper connections with others and more importantly, themselves.

I work with men of all ages and backgrounds.



